Mar 10, 2016

Foods rich in fiber


They are one of the most naturally rich sources of fiber, as well as protein, lysine, vitamins, and minerals, in the plant kingdom.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Lima beans, cooked1 cup14 g
Adzuki beans, cooked1 cup17 g
Broad beans (fava), cooked1 cup9 g
Black beans, cooked1 cup15 g
Garbanzo beans, cooked1 cup12 g
Lentils, cooked1 cup16 g
Cranberry beans, cooked1 cup16 g
Black turtle soup beans, cooked1 cup17 g
Kidney beans, cooked1 cup16 g
Navy beans, cooked1 cup19 g
White beans, small, cooked1 cup19 g
French beans, cooked1 cup17 g
Mung beans, cooked1 cup15 g
Yellow beans, cooked1 cup18 g
Pinto beans, cooked1 cup15 g

Whole Grains

One of the easiest ways to up fiber intake is to focus on whole grains. A grain in nature is essentially the entire seed of the plant made up of the bran, germ, and endosperm. Refining the grain removes the germ and the bran; thus, fiber, protein, and other key nutrients are lost. 
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Amaranth, grain1/4 cup6 g
Barley, pearled, cooked1 cup6 g
Buckwheat groats, cooked1 cup5 g
Popcorn, air popped3 cups4 g
Oats, dry1/2 cup4 g
Rye flour, dry1/4 cup7 g
Millet, cooked1 cup2 g
Quinoa, cooked1 cup5 g
Teff, grain, dry1/4 cup6 g
Triticale, flour, dry1/4 cup5 g
Wheat berries, dry1/4 cup5 g
Wild rice, cooked1 cup3 g
Wheat flour (whole wheat), dry1/4 cup4 g
Brown rice, cooked1 cup4 g
Bulgur, cooked1 cup8 g
Bread (whole wheat), sliced1 slice2 g
Crackers, rye wafers1 ounce6 g
Spaghetti (whole wheat), cooked1 cup6 g
Deep green, leafy vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins, and minerals, but their fiber content isn't too shabby either. There are more than 1,000 species of plants with edible leaves, many with similar nutritional attributes, including high-fiber content. While many leafy greens are fabulous tossed in salads,  garlic, lemon, and herbs brings out a rich flavor.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Turnip greens, cooked1 cup5 g
Mustard greens, cooked1 cup5 g
Collard greens, cooked1 cup5 g
Spinach, cooked1 cup4 g
Beet greens, cooked1 cup4 g
Swiss chard, cooked1 cup4 g


Bran from many grains is very rich in dietary fiber. Oat bran is high in soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. Wheat, corn, and rice bran are high in insoluble fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Bran can be sprinkled into your favorite foods,from hot cereal and pancakes to muffins and cookies. Many popular high-fiber cereals and bars are also packed with bran.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Oat bran, raw1 ounce12 g
Wheat bran, raw1 ounce12 g
Corn bran, raw1 ounce22 g
Rice bran, raw1 ounce6 g
Fiber One Bran Cereal1/2 cup14 g
All-Bran Cereal1/2 cup10 g
Fiber One Chewy Bars1 bar9 g
Berries are in the spotlight due to their antioxidant power, but let's not forget about their fiber bonus. Berries happen to yield one of the best fiber-per-calorie bargains on the planet. Since berries are packed with tiny seeds, their fiber content is typically higher than that of many fruits.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Raspberries, raw1 cup8 g
Blueberries, raw1 cup4 g
Currants (red and white), raw1 cup5 g
Strawberries, raw1 cup3 g
Boysenberries, frozen1 cup7 g
Gooseberries, raw1 cup6 g
Loganberries, frozen1 cup8 g
Elderberries, raw1 cup10 g
Blackberries, raw1 cup8 g
Sweet Peas
Peas,from fresh green peas to dried peas,are naturally chock full of fiber. In fact, food technologists have been studying pea fiber as a functional food ingredient.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Cow  peas, cooked1 cup11 g
Pigeon peas, cooked1 cup9 g
Peas, split, cooked1 cup16 g
Peas, green, frozen1 cup14 g
Peas (edible podded), cooked1 cup5 g
Nuts and Seeds
Go nuts to pack a fiber punch. One ounce of nuts and seeds can provide a hearty contribution to the day's fiber recommendation, along with a bonus of healthy fats, protein, and phytochemicals. Sprinkling a handful of nuts or seeds over breakfast cereals, yogurt, salads, and desserts is a tasty way to do fiber.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Almonds1 ounce4 g
Pistachio nuts1 ounce3 g
Cashews1 ounce1 g
Peanuts1 ounce2 g
Walnuts1 ounce2 g
Brazil nuts1 ounce2 g
Pinon nuts1 ounce12 g
Sunflower seeds1/4 cup3 g
Pumpkin seeds1/2 cup3 g
Sesame seeds1/4 cup4 g
Flaxseed1 ounce8 g
Brassica vegetables have been studied for their cancer-protective effects associated with high levels of glucosinolates. But these brassy beauties, including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, are also full of fiber.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Kale, cooked1 cup3 g
Cauliflower, cooked1 cup5 g
Kohlrabi, raw1 cup5 g
Savoy cabbage, cooked1 cup4 g
Broccoli, cooked1 cup5 g
Brussels sprouts, cooked1 cup6 g
Red cabbage, cooked1 cup4 g

Exotic fruits
Some of the plants with the highest fiber content in the world may be slightly out of your clients' comfort zone and, for that matter, time zone. A rainbow of indigenous fruits and vegetables used in cultural food traditions around the globe are very high in fiber. Entice clients to introduce a few new plant foods into their diets to push up the flavor, as well as their fiber, quotient.
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Jicama, raw1 cup6 g
Chayote fruit, cooked1 cup4 g
Starfruit (carambola), raw1 cup4 g
Asian pear, raw1 fruit4 g
Hearts of palm, cooked1 cup4 g
Guava, raw1 cup9 g
Straw mushrooms, canned1 cup5 g
Abiyuch, raw1/2 cup6 g
Lotus root10 slices4 g
Persimmons, raw1 fruit6 g
Breadfruit1 cup11 g
Avocado, raw1/2 fruit9 g
Edamame, frozen1 cup6 g
Taro, sliced1 cup4 g

 Many are naturally packed with fiber, as well as other important vitamins and minerals. Maybe the doctor was right when he advised an apple a day, but he could have added pears, oranges, and bananas to the prescription as well. When between fruit seasons. 
FoodPortionAmount of Fiber
Banana1 medium3 g
Pear1 medium6 g
Orange1 medium4 g
Apple1 medium4 g
Prunes,dried 1/2 cup6 g
Raisins2 ounces2 g
Peaches, dried1/4 cup3 g
Figs, dried1/2 cup8 g

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