Mar 14, 2016

Health benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is an ages old spice that is being used for the past 4000 years in Southeast Asia, initially as a dye for holy robes. Even today there is hardly any Indian dish that is completed without adding turmeric to it. It is cultivated in tropical regions of Bengal, India, Pakistan, China, SriLanka and Indonesia. It is a relative of ginger and has a bitter taste and mild fragrance.

Due to its deep orange-yellow color the spice is also known as, “Indian Saffron”; although the two shouldn’t be confused as both vary in tastes and benefits. The name turmeric is derived from Latin word Terra Merita meaning “Meritorious Earth”. Other common names are yellow root, haldi, haridra and jiang huang. Its botanical names are Curcuma Longa and Curcuma Domestica.

It is amazing how some commonly found spice on kitchen shelves could have so many health benefits. Natalie Kling from Natural Healing Institute of Neuropathy says, “As an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic, it’s a very powerful plant”.

It is one of the best health supplements and is undoubtedly a gift of nature as something so inexpensive has benefits, so worthwhile. It is one of the cheapest spices worldwide.

Besides the fact that it adds flavor to the curries, it has proven to be highly beneficial as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and has been used in Indian Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

 Here are some key benefits of the herb:


Arthritis and other inflammatory diseases are extremely common.
Over $650 million is spent in the United States every year on natural remedies for treating chronic inflammation.
Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and has been found to be beneficial for arthritis when taken internally and when applied topically.
The Arthritis Foundation reports that turmeric can provide long-term improvement in pain and function for those with osteoarthritis.

Turmeric has impressive antidepressant properties.
In fact it’s been found to be more a more potent antidepressant than fluoxetine, the generic name for Prozac.
It is believed to work by reducing the stress hormone cortisol while increasing serotonin, the neurotransmitter associated with happiness.
This is great news for the millions who have tried antidepressants without success or for those who experience unacceptable side effects.
Unlike antidepressant drugs, turmeric either in food or as a supplement can used indefinitely.


One of the most exciting benefits of turmeric is that it may prevent Alzheimer’s. Elderly villagers in India who eat turmeric as a regular part of their diet have the lowest rate of Alzheimer’s in the world. Over 200 compounds have been identified in turmeric and curcumin is not the only one being studied for Alzheimer’s. Another compound in turmeric, turmerone, stimulates the production of new neurons and seems to encourage the brain to repair itself. This property could make it a useful treatment for a variety of degenerative brain diseases besides Alzheimer’s, including Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, and stroke.


Doctors at UCLA found that curcumin, the main component in turmeric, appeared to block an enzyme that promotes the growth of head and neck cancer.

In that study, 21 subjects with head and neck cancers chewed two tablets containing 1,000 milligrams of curcumin. An independent lab in Maryland evaluated the results and found that the cancer-promoting enzymes in the patients’ mouths were inhibited by the curcumin and thus prevented from advancing the spread of the malignant cells.


Curcumin works with the gallbladder, stimulating it to make bile, which may help with digestion. In Germany, turmeric can be prescribed for digestive problems. Some research shows that turmeric may help upset stomach, bloating and gas. Turmeric may also help reduce the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in people who are otherwise healthy.


Dr. Randy J. Horwitz, the medical director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson, wrote a paper for the American Academy of Pain Management in which he discussed the health benefits of turmeric.

“Turmeric is one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories available,” Horwitz states in the paper.

He went on to cite a 2006 University of Arizona study that examined the effect of turmeric on rats with injected rheumatoid arthritis. According to Horwitz, pretreatment with turmeric completely inhibited the onset of rheumatoid arthritis in the rats. In addition, the study found that using turmeric for pre-existing rheumatoid arthritis resulted in a significant reduction of symptoms.

Some research shows that curcumin might ease symptoms of uveitis — long-term inflammation in the middle layer of the eye. Other research shows that taking turmeric daily for several months may improve kidney function for people with kidney inflammation.


Studies have suggested curcumin may help prevent the buildup of plaque that can clog arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes.


Turmeric may also be helpful with another type of arthritis. Some research has shown that taking turmeric extract can ease the pain of osteoarthritis. In one study,reports WebMD, turmeric worked about as well as ibuprofen for relieving osteoarthritis pain.


The University of Maryland’s Medical Center also states that turmeric’s powerful antioxidant properties fight cancer-causing free radicals, reducing or preventing some of the damage they can cause.

While more research is necessary, early studies have indicated that curcumin may help prevent or treat several types of cancer including prostate, skin and colon.


Early studies suggest that taking turmeric daily can cut down the number of people with prediabetes who develop diabetes.

"Adding this powerful plant to your diet is one of the best things you can do for long term health.”

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